Events Calendar

Hatha Yoga Event and Live Music

From Saturday 21 May 2022 -  10:00am
To Sunday 22 May 2022 - 03:00pm
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Hatha Yoga event and live music

From 10am on Saturday 21st May 2022 to 3pm on Sunday 22nd May 2022.

Contact Tara on the cell and Whats app 3474493618 to confirm your presence.

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Arrival is at 10 am on Saturday 21 May 2022 until Sunday 22 May 2022 at 3 pm. After lunch.

Hatha Yoga event and live music.

Teacher Tara Denise Bonati. Reiki master and holistic practitioner for 13 years.
Bijo Musician.

The days will be held with sequences of Hatha yoga, preparation for pranayiama, yoga nidra and dance, guided relaxation meditations.

All in a wonderful place in the green. Vegetarian food, herbal teas etc.

For confirmation by May 10 to allow organization for food.

Super comfortable clothing a mat, a pillow and your blanket.

Contact Tara on the cell and Whats app 3474493618 to confirm your presence.

In English


You arrive here then you climb together

Via Valmora Pontida

Otherwise you can come by train to Pontida

Then we come and get you

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Contact Tara on cell and Whatsapp 3474493618 to confirm your presence
