Events Calendar

You and Me from the Need to the Pleasure of Relating through the Exploration of the 4 Elements

From Friday 23 August 2024 -  09:00pm
To Sunday 25 August 2024 - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 249

FROM THE NEED FOR RELATIONSHIP, TO THE PLEASURE OF RELATIONSHIP, through the exploration of the 4 elements: earth, air, water, fire.
23, 24, 25 AUGUST

For info and costs: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For info and reservations, Tatami Studio secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Claudia Phone: 3890195471
Roberto Phone: 3357606401

Three intense and wonderful days together in which we will explore the immense world of relationships through relational counseling techniques, exploration and understanding of our wounds, emergence of emotions, contact dances, meditations and listening to oneself and the other-other.
To support us, the energy of the ancient tantric path and the power of the 4 natural elements that surround the Cascina!

We will work on relationships, exploring even more deeply the relationship between the two polarities, the needs of each and the pleasure of regaining a healthy relationship first of all with ourselves.

The very powerful natural elements of the place will frame our work: earth, air, water, fire and if the weather is favorable, we will include some Tantra rituals in Water, in the large natural Pool of Chignoletti.
As you know, yogis and yoginis of the ancient tantric path and especially women, loved and used water rituals to know and explore their own body and the body of yogis, before and during the encounter of love and purification.

We will go to contact our needs.
Feeling a "need for love" is understandable and human, but it also means being disconnected from yourself, deep down, where the source of love of your Being is.

Our deepest Being is Awareness, Love, Compassion, Freedom, Joy and Creativity.

And it is precisely living disconnected from this center that creates the need for the other, the absolute need for the other, the dependence on the other.
Is the other really your obsession, the only tap nearby where you can hook up and drink?

Is he the one who gives meaning to your life and not you?
If we peek into the homes of those couples who have been married for years, where husband and wife barely look at each other and only share the roof over their heads, we can see that the relationship also serves to keep themselves busy.
When you don't have yourself, the other acts as an anesthetic.
If you think about it, need also brings with it a nice paradox.
In fact, when you don't have anyone, you suffer.

And when you find someone?
Eh, you suffer anyway.
You suffer because now you are afraid of losing the person you love.
You suffer anyway because you do not have yourself.
No one will ever be able to use another person to complete themselves, at most they can use them as a mirror to see themselves and what they project onto their partner.

Only those who have rediscovered their Being and have done a deep work of internal integration will not use others as a plug for their holes.
And there begins the road that leads to love.

Love never starts from a state of emptiness, of need, but from a state of fullness, the pleasure of sharing your love, joy and understanding.
We confuse love with that deep pleasure and relief that we feel for finally having managed to find a plug that fits perfectly in our hole.

But to recognize love from everything that is not love you must first realize it in yourself.

I know you might think that I recommend being alone, but that is absolutely not the case.

Just because old relationships didn't work, it doesn't mean that from now on you shouldn't be in a couple, that you're not capable or that it's obviously not for you...

Being in a relationship is one of the many experiences of the soul and it makes no sense to deprive yourself of it, just as it makes no sense to give up love.
However, it is necessary not to delegate responsibilities to a person that are not their responsibility.

And this is for the good of both.

Don't stay with someone for the wrong reasons.
Because love is not a relationship, but is shared in a relationship.
Learn to give up love with attachment, which is not love.
Find your Center, your Being and the need for the other will simply disappear.

What will remain will be the pure pleasure of sharing and no need, no dependence, no obsession, no suffering.
The pleasure of being together, of sharing your life and your growth and with another person.

Because he has a mature soul who can be alone as if he were in a couple and can be in a couple as if he were alone!

We are waiting for you!

The days will be enriched by: Games, Music, Contact Techniques and an evening space to conclude our practices dedicated to the Sacred Union of Shiva & Shakti.

Maithuna is the beautiful ceremony of sacred sexual union between the God and the Goddess that are within us.
All the activities will take place in a slow and loving flow, also alternating with didactic moments

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : For info and reservations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Claudia: 3890195471 Roberto: 3357606401
