Events Calendar

Biodance and Clay

Saturday 29 July 2023 10:00am - 08:00pm
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Biodance and Clay
July 29, 2023
At Casolare Chignoletti Pontida (BG)

A meeting to experience the transforming power of Clay together: softness, receptivity, sensuality, Land of the Primordial
With Angela Sabrina MariaRosa Beatrice

For info and confirmation of participation

Sabrina. 340 849 1416 Beatrice. 3357780415 Angela. 338 864 4155 Maria Rosa. 389 461 9370
Biodance Titled Facilitators

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Sabrina. 340 849 1416 Beatrice. 3357780415 Angela. 338 864 4155 MariaRosa. 389 461 9370
