Events Calendar

Constellar dynamics

Monday 26 June 2023 07:00pm - 11:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 120

Summer is coming and like every year I insert dates for initiatives in places in close contact with Nature.

"Constellar Dynamics"
Monday evening 26 June at Casale Chignoletti (BG)

With this method you meet your internal world outside of you, you manifest it, you observe it and you make it dynamic.
Only in this way can he reorganize himself, thanks to your recognition and your conscious and loving gaze.

The  Method excludes family psychologization because each of your family members is an expression of a universal energy that exists before and beyond the individual entity. You therefore do NOT work on the energy of the ascendants but on the themes that are active in you.

Dear all, with  summer I feel the desire to meet again in places of special nature, the legendary Chignoletti (Bg) is one of these.

Meeting at the Casolare by 7.00 pm. At 19.30 we start the activity of Costellar Dynamics which lasts about 2 hours / 2 hours and 30.
Around 10.00 pm we eat together (everyone brings something).
If the weather is good, the swimming pool is available.
Those who want to stay overnight agree with Maurilio and pay him 25 euros.
The contribution for the management is instead of 35 euros.

I collect the subscriptions by this Sunday to stop the space. If you hear yourself called, don't hesitate, the place is magical, the method is beautiful, being with vibrant and aware companions is Love.

Irene Barbara 329/4331003

Note: the dates of 13 June in Esine (Bs) and 14 June in Milan Lambrate remain confirmed.

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Irene Barbara 329/4331003
