Events Calendar

Drum Circle, Meditation, Seminar and Conviviality

From Saturday 16 July 2022 -  04:00pm
To Sunday 17 July 2022 - 05:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 91
Irene Barbara Richini cell and WhatsApp 329 433 1003
Silvia Lombardini cell and WhatsApp 338 981 8108

Facebook event

A weekend at Casale Chignoletti (BG) in a "seminar and conviviality" version on 16 and 17 July.

On Saturday I arrive at 4.00 pm, swimming pool until 6.00 pm and then Drum Circle led by Silvia Lombardini who makes her instruments available to us. Following dinner and after dinner of dances and swimming pool.

SUNDAY: 8 am meditation in motion to charge us. From 9 to 10 breakfast. From 10 to 13, 00 Irene Barbara Richini guides you in "Spaces of the Conscious Observer". Following meal and then swimming pool, lawn, conviviality until 17.00. In short, a holistic mini-vacation. If interested, save the date

Irene Barbara Richini cell and WhatsApp 329 433 1003
Silvia Lombardini cell and WhatsApp 338 981 8108

Facebook event
Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Irene Barbara Richini cell and WhatsApp 329 433 1003 Silvia Lombardini cell and WhatsApp 338 981 8108
