Events Calendar

AUM & DRUM CIRCLE at Casolare Chignoletti

From Saturday 18 June 2022 -  03:00pm
To Sunday 19 June 2022 - 03:30pm
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The AUM Meditation with Kamin Silvia and Maurilio returns to Casolare Chignoletti.
Following, after the Dinner at the Casolare, Drum Circle facilitated by Silvia and on Sunday morning Cerchio Alchemico Cacao e Suoni.

Let's finally get together again to live an experience of meeting, growth, fun, aggregation and socialization.

From 3.00 pm on Saturday 18 June 2022 to 3.30 pm on Sunday 19 June 2022.

Contact on cell and Whatsapp Kamin 349 750 1564 or Silvia 338 981 8108 to confirm your presence.

Saturday 18 June at 2.30 pm welcome with welcome cocktail. Start AUM at 15.00 with Aum and then to follow after dinner Drum circle.
Sunday 19th morning meditation breakfast and at 10 am Sound experience with Cacao Ceremony.


Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Contact Kamin Russo 349 750 1564 or Silvia Lombardini 338 981 8108 on cell and Whatsapp to confirm
