Events Calendar

AUM & DRUM CIRCLE at Casolare Chignoletti

From Saturday 28 May 2022
To Sunday 29 May 2022
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 202

The AUM led by Kamin returns to Casolare Chignoletti! After dinner, the Drum Circle facilitated by Silvia and Sunday morning Alchemical Circle of Cacao and Sounds-

Let's finally get together again to live an experience of meeting, growth, fun, aggregation and socialization.

From 3.30 pm on Saturday 28 May 2022 to 3.30 pm on Sunday 29 May 2022.

Contact Kamin Russo 349 750 1564 or Silvia Lombardini 338 981 8108 on the cell and Whats app to confirm your presence.

Start at 3.30 pm on Saturday 28 May with Aum and then Drum circle after dinner and on Sunday 29 May in the morning meditation and around 11 am sound experience with cocoa ceremony

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AUM (Awareness, Understanding Meditation) meditation is a social meditation.

It is a journey in 13 stages lasting 5/15 minutes each, all destined to create a state of "no mind" mental void and openness of the heart.
This technique allows much more than a mental relaxation or a pleasant bodily sensation: if done with intensity and awareness it leads to a profound inner silence.

Drum Circle is a group activity where people gather in a circle and, led by a facilitator, play and create rhythms together, using a wide range of percussion instruments.
Feeling part of a group that plays is a way to meet and connect again with others in an intense and inclusive atmosphere, where fun and the free expression of one's inner rhythm find space.

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Contact Kamin Russo 349 750 1564 or Silvia Lombardini 338 981 8108 on the cell and Whats app to confirm your presence.
