Events Calendar

Meditative Hut Mother Earth Father Sky

From Saturday 19 March 2022 -  01:00pm
To Sunday 20 March 2022 - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 74

Saturday, March 19 and Sunday 20 March ritual HUT MEDITATION Mother Earth Father Sky Sacred Fire 5 elements 5 senses 5 organs 5 sounds = the Way of HeartwithHeart leads Vijan x info 320 8648452, those who wish may arrive Friday night, and 'welcome the booking if you share Spread thanks Maurilio

 Vijan cell 3208648452

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Event with free offer possibility of overnight stay with contribution

In case of bad weather on Saturday there is still a meditation room and a hut as soon as the weather eventually clears up.

Shared food.



Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Vijan for info 320 8648452 Maurilio 3313129298
