Events Calendar

"Integrity" Tantra with Kohra and Irene Barbara Richini

Saturday 22 February 2020 09:30am
To Sunday 23 February 2020
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 240

"Integrity" with Kohra Bechrini and Irene Barbara Richini

Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23
at the Casolare Chignoletti Pontida (Bg)
start at 10.00 am reception from 9.00 am to 9.45 am
comfortable and warm clothing recommended.

Integrity ... Tantra is an experience of awareness of your body, your power centers and your vital energy.
The goal is to learn to consciously direct this energy for one's inner search and to open the space of the heart, where there is no longer a distance between you and the other, between the internal places and the space of the universe, where the things go according to a natural flow of lightness and love. Sexual energy constitutes at least 100% of our vital energy: human, divine and creative energy, the energy par excellence. In this seminar you will be able to experience the importance of space and bond in your relationships, become familiar with the different character traits that influence your living space in a different way and thus learn to better define the spaces only yours and those you want to share with others.
In this extraordinary context it is possible to meet oneself and the other ... to meet in the totality of the present moment, with the body, the sensations, the emotions and our natural tendency towards the divine.
Meeting in a space of reconciliation where women and men can learn about their diversity and open new windows within themselves, points of light towards relationships and towards an easily shared, full and nourishing sexuality.
You will be able to understand what is the psychological dynamic that emerges most frequently in your relationships and access the communication of emotions, in intimacy and authenticity, up to the communication of what we touch in connection with the heart.
Experience something that brings you closer to yourself and that brings you closer to that space in you where you can meet the authenticity of your presence, an available and creative source, an instrument of satisfaction and fulfillment in everyday life, Integrity

in the mental layer there is everything I think to not feel aspects of me (wounds). The mental layer is home to individual, family, social beliefs etc.
The goal is to consciously observe these aspects of oneself (without wanting to transform them through intellect and will) to welcome them as they are but in conscience. The work on the mental layer obviously also sets in motion our aspects connected to our defenses and emotions. Powerful and interesting is the mirroring phenomenon that inevitably occurs when working in a team. A profound work that continues well after the course.
It is of great importance to help those who like you want to take charge of themselves, those who like you want to have a broader awareness of the meaning of your life and its events, of the encounters, relationships, emotional, mental and bodily experiences that enter at stake in the relationship with yourself and with others.
If you also understand that it does not make sense to continue to blame others for the inconvenience of your life and if you understand that all you have to do is recognize and take care of the most defenseless parts of yourself then you are well on your way and you can soon have new understandings and access to that field which is called "evolutionary" which if you think about it is something very natural. In fact, the natural condition occurs when you stop "braking" and stop the natural flow of your personal development. This flow is slowed down by you, slowed down and even stopped through resistances, defenses, fears, shame, anxieties and various reactions. Life cannot be confused with "reactions", because reacting is different from living! To live is to be in trust by observing and feeling what there is while reacting is being in the illusion of controlling people and situations, not feeling what there is and continually trying to transform reality.

Registration by February 15th

You can participate in the course both individually and in pairs (the term "couple" implies any type of couple and not just the usual dyad formed by a woman and a man)
There is the possibility to do only one day

Kohra Becherini:
Tantra and Breath Therapist, I have achieved: Traning and groups of Tantra, Massage and Breath.
Master in regressive hypnosis at the past life regression school Italy.
Reiki Master at Osho Neo Reiki
Breath therapist, trained at the Osho Diamond Breath,
Tantric Kashmiro massage.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 3281826200
also follow me on facebook: The joy of Tantra and Magic Tantra

Dr. Irene Barbara Richini, pedagogist trainer for adults,
expert in psychoenergetics and body mediation,
psycho-social consultant
A.I.S.P.A. expert (Ass. Italian Sexology Applied Psychology)
cell: 329 433 1003

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Info Kohra 3281826200 Irene 3294331003 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
