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Kali and its tantric transformative power

From Saturday 07 September 2019 -  10:00am
To Sunday 08 September 2019 - 06:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 180

KALI and its tantric transformative power

for information and reservations: Kohra 3281826200 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


You can recognize it in the radical rebirth, in the dynamic force of change, in the process of birth, death, storms, volcanic eruptions. It will help you develop the transforming force, burn the limits and purify your interior.
Let it be Kali, obscure, paradoxical, for those who do not know him well, she is unpredictable. She manifests herself as a virgin and a prostitute, a girl and a woman.
Sensual, a warrior queen. She is always
compassionate to his devotees and cruel to the enemies of cosmic truth, he shows the way in Tantra
Kali is black because it is the threshold that crosses the void of internal and external space.
Its darkness is formed by all colors and, like the black holes of the universe, ultimately absorbs everything that has been created. All splendor returns to darkness, just as all spirituality ends up uniting with Kali's consciousness.
Kali is completely naked, just as your mind was in its naked origin and will return to nudity in the end. Like Shiva, Kali's nakedness attracts and repels. Everything is possible in its primordial nakedness. Kali's three eyes indicate their absolute power: past, present and future, and suggest their inner, deeply perceptive nature. Mother Kali's three eyes signify her control over this universe and symbolize the high forces of the sun, moon and lightning.
Its four arms symbolize the four cardinal points, which reminds us that the four main psychic centers in the navel, heart, throat and head, must be penetrated and harmonized before reaching lasting liberation. Kali's upper left arm holds the sword with which he destroys all dualistic doubts and limitations; from his lower left hand hangs a freshly cut head, which represents the break with the ego and with the restrictive forces of destiny. His upper right hand outlines a mystic to protect his devotees and dispel all fears, and his lower right hand, a gesture that grants your desires.
His long extended tongue speaks of his sensual nature, which consumes everything. The garland that adorn it, a necklace of human heads, evokes the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, its vibrations hold together the phenomenological world. His enemies are hypocrisy, doubt, selfishness and envy; as friends, to those who serve her and love her tenderly. With Shiva as a support, there is nothing in this world or the next outside its domain. Despite his terrible outward appearance, his profound nature is kind and compassionate.

Kali embodies the sexual lover, the dark lunar night.

Are you ready to meet her?

for information and reservations: Kohra 3281826200 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Info Kohra 3281826200 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
