Events Calendar

The way of the circle - Bergamo

From Saturday 10 November 2018 -  09:30am
To Sunday 11 November 2018 - 06:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 212

Conducted by Simonetta Verdi.

The way of the circle means to perceive life in everything and to enter into resonance with the whole.
Feeling the spirit that animates every being and communicating with it to learn a collaboration that unites forces to create a balance.
It's back to children to take care of this planet, it's listening to tree teachings and animal messages, it's asking for permission when you walk into a forest, it's a place to learn how to offer what you are.
The way of the circle is a different vision of life.

It is the ability to look deep into you and discover the wonder that lives within you.

It is moving everything that does not allow you to look at your perfection.

Info & Reservations:
Simonetta 393.6086630 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : Simonetta 393.6086630 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
