Events Calendar

Tantra The Essence of Water

Sunday 29 July 2018 07:00am - 05:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 131

Tantra The Essence of Water we will be together two days flowing in love

Without hesitation and without holding back, becoming fully awake and alive as the Creator of one's Reality
flow smoothly like Water into your sexuality and remembering the incredible freedom to be relaxed and at ease in the Magnificent Body and the open Heart, gently embracing and loving all the parts of you that you may not like or accept while you learn to meet others from a space of profound authenticity and pure intimacy.

Meditation trip with the water
How to feel, caress and massage each other with the tenderness of the Water element
Holy Movement with Water,
Kisses and hugs playful and passionate with the element Water

Kohra Becherini: Master in regressive hypnosis at the past life regression school Italy Respiro Therapist, trained at the Osho Diamond Breath of Miasto (SI) 2009, perfection performed during Training of Respiro 2009/2011 in Cuneo. Master Reiki at Osho Neo Reiki (LI) in 1998. Formed in Tantric disciplines conducts Tantra.Osho Pulsation Workshop
vipassana seminars- path of love- treaning by Tantra - Learning Love Work
Leads Breath Groups and Dynamic Meditations and Individual Sessions of Connected Circular Breath and Pregnancy Course

for info and reservations Kohra: 3281826200 emeil: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : for info and reservations Kohra: 3281826200 emeil: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
