Events Calendar

Workshop The Dionysius Lookout Theater

From Friday 24 November 2017 -  09:00pm
To Sunday 26 November 2017 - 06:00pm
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Workshop The Dionysius Lookout Theater
24-25-26 November

Info and subscriptions
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 or Maurilio 331.312.9298

Cost including seminar, food and lodging 180
euros that include breakfast lunch and dinner and the
overnight stay for 2 nights - seats are limited
Friday 21-23
Saturday and Sunday 10-18
Seminar will be conducted by Andrea Failla
actor and voice actor-trainer


Theatrical seminar

Chignoletti Farmhouse (BG)
"The look of Dionysus"
A theatrical seminar lasting a week end to explore the magic of myth through the senses, body, voice, and dance.
No experience required.


Ph. Cat Sherman


Through the physical and sensory training of the actor, we will give
body and soul to the archetypal stories of ancient myths with
improvising and using the tools that are right
of the actor: the body, the look, the listening and the emotions. It will be a
intense and exciting journey to discovering how myth is
still alive within us.
You work barefoot or with non-slip socks and comfortable dark clothes
without written evidence. Bring a notebook and one
bandana to cover your eyes.


Seminar will be conducted by Andrea Failla
actor and voice actor-trainer


Graduated at the Academy of Filodrammatici in Milan. He has collaborated with several Italian theaters. He participated in
various advertising and television productions. She attended Walter Orioli 's theatrical therapy school, The School of
training for the theatrical integration in the Social Theater Teaching. He teaches theater and realizes theater education projects
about communication for companies. Conducts research and meditation groups using the
dance and the expressiveness of body and voice.











Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : For info : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or Maurilio 331.312.9298
