Events Calendar

Biodance in nature "Armony"

From Saturday 23 July 2016 -  09:30pm
To Sunday 24 July 2016 - 06:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 247

€ 85
Lunch and dinner shared with what everyone will bring.
Recommended overnight in B & B cottage Chignoletti to € 15 with breakfast.
Reduction for those who also participates in the vivencia Friday evening.
a limited number of groups.
For info and reservations 3487365963 Monica

Monica Tironi
Operator of Biodanza with decades of experience in leadership of groups specialized in Biodanza Biodanza in nature.


FB Event




Regenerate and restore balance by connecting deeply with nature, with life. The "connection with life" function is to function, common to living organisms, which allows the existence of life. "Plants, like animals, fully perform this function. For example, the vital energy guided by tropisms and biochemical affinity makes it possible to plant a precise contact with the manifestations of life around them, as if thousands of years of wisdom flowed in their roots to redirect them to the nutritional sources of the earth. Even animals behave as if they perceived in the breeze lures, the signs of life.
The man, however, through a long process of degradation of the instincts, has lost the connection function with life, that he is almost completely atrophied.
One could therefore postulate the hypothesis that the disease stems from the inability to make a connection with all that is alive in the surrounding environment. "Rolando Toro
I will propose the vivencia natural environment stimulated by the sounds and movements of the environment around us. We take the opportunity to dance with the day and night, with sunrise and sunset, with the wind the sun or rain. We experience the fluid dance with natural events, but we will also dance in the hall, with music.


Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : x info Monica 3487365963 Maurilio 3313129298
