Events Calendar


From Thursday 31 December 2015 -  03:00pm
To Sunday 03 January 2016 - 06:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 446


New Year at the farm
with the wish to please, I invite you to our New Year's party at the cottage Chignoletti, a beautiful farmhouse in the hills of Palazzago (BG); for info on how to reach us:
We are a group of friends and professional disciplines bionaturali who opened his own space / time to you. You can join the whole proposal or even just for a day, we will be happy to welcome you.
The proposal is very odd and there will be no way to spend a "good time" in good company.
The farm is open from early afternoon of Thursday, December 31 in the late afternoon of Sunday, January 3, 2016.
Here is our program.
Thursday, December 31
Arrivals from 15 meters with accommodation in the rooms (if you want to stay overnight call me as soon as there are only a few places available)
About 18 hours short session of Biodanza "With whom is celebrated this evening?" Monica Tironi and Elisa songs
Preparing dinner by sharing what each will bring and dinner year-end.
Dances with DJ Barbara Bertocchi & Simone Martelli until about midnight
we will enter the new year with a fire ritual conducted by Walter Orellana (our wise old man)
and then toast and new dances
Friday, January 1
Upon awakening Biodanza in nature "Singing in the sun, the sky, the forest, the snow .... the life that is expressed and manifested in and out of us" led by Monica
The morning is dedicated to rest and slow time, cooking and dining together
to the 15th there will be a session of Laughter Yoga led by Elena Bertazzoni
Around 18 a session Biodanza or exchange of light massage and relaxing (depend on our feelings)
Again it cook and dine together
After dinner talk of "good time" and then, if we choose, watching a Disney animated while relaxing selected for us by Simone and Barbara
Saturday, January 2
At sunrise "Choir in the sun"
Around 10 Biodanza "Entering the new year with pleasure" led by Monica and Elisa
At about 15 realization of a 'work of art led by Coral Cards
It cook and dine together
Experienced exchanger massage conducted by Roberto Mandrà and Coral
Sunday, January 3
Around 8 "Sun Salutation" conducted by Roberto Mandrà
At about Biodanza "Entering the new year with pleasure" led by Monica and Elisa
Cooking and dining together
to the 15.30 session Biodanza greetings and good wishes for 2016.
During the entire period Roberta Cangelli will be available to offer massage sessions.
For participation we ask a fee or willingness to share the work.
Everyone is asked to participate in the reorganization of the dining room and kitchen.
How to contribute financially:
€ 30 dinner year-end + € 10 for home *
€ 30 use the house and activities for each day
€ 15 bed and breakfast (bring a sleeping bag and adaptability to share the room with other people)
€ 8 for every meal
€ 10 for a massage by Roberta
How to contribute with time:
general cleaning house on Tuesday 29 and Thursday 31 December morning
preparation environments with moving furniture Wednesday - possibly men
cleaning the house Sunday, January 3 afternoon / evening
house cleaning during the days of celebration
cook good things
Very welcome convenience foods and just heat for year-end but also for the other days brought from home.
Contributions in time will be deducted from cash contributions.
Convenience foods or food brought from home are equivalent to the contribution of one or more meals ... it will depend on what ports.
If you want to participate please contact me as soon as Monica 3487365963
Please come Monica, Elisa, Walter, Barbara, Simone, Coral, Robert, Charles, Elena, Maurilio, Roberta.



Here, we're almost there, it is slowly taking shape our project.
A party that will begin in the afternoon of Thursday, December 31, 2015 and will end in the afternoon of January 3, 2016. There will Chignoletti cottage, our refuge in the woods.
The days include: community life, first of all, by sharing the daily meditative popular terrace-do (cook, tidy up, wash dishes ...) and then Biodanza, sun salutation, massage experience, creative activity, laughter yoga, dancing, fire ritual .... and realization of calendar 2016 Emoticon grin.
We will share the costs for heating, power, food and ask for a contribution to the proposed activities. You can stop all the time or participate only half a day ... and you can even stop to sleep! The objective of the festival is celebrating Emoticon grin.
If you want more information, but especially if you want to celebrate with us please contact 3487365963, I'll be happy to teach you about the proposal in detail.
We are so organizando:
30 and / or on the morning of 31 ch need someone to become available to clean the house.
Arriving on the afternoon of 31 giovedìl
about 18 hours short vivencia to integrate the group and enter the atmosphere of relaxation
after vivencia preparations for dinner by sharing all the delicacies that everyone will
after dinner dances (we need someone to take care of the music list for year-end).
Near the transition from 2015 to 2016 fire ritual shamanic conducted by Walter Orellana ... but he does not know it: -D
Friday, January 1
morning: you sleep! adventurers can participate in the salute to the sun ... that Roberto Mandrà is always awake ahahaha
then light breakfast and meditation of the sink (volunteers are sought); it can be useful in preparing the lunch and then again shared meditation on the sink for other volunteers -D.
afternoon: 15- 15,30 to the Laughter Yoga with Elena Bertazzoni.
Late afternoon: vivencia Biodanza with MonicaTironi and / or Elisa songs
as usual dinner with its meditations
after dinner we could devote ourselves to pampering with massage Coral and Roberto or accoccolarci everyone and enjoy a good movie ... with a nice dip nell'nfanzia Disney animation (there are also children this year) or both proposals
Saturday, January 2
Usual daily practices related to land (cook rearrange wash ... with meditation and massage incorporated)
and then by ORGANIZE ongoing creative workshop, massage, bio-dance, sun salutation.
Sunday, January 3
as for the Saturday afternoon but definitely a nice vivencia disaluti and good wishes for 2016.
Sharing of costs and work and / or contribution.
If you want more detailed info please contact me and do not wait the last minute to book -D .... but even if you arrive at the last minute we will try to add a seat at the table.
We will be there from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, but you can participate even just a day or half a day or even time for a hug.
Monica, Elisa, Coral, Roberto, Walter, Charles, Helen, Simon, Barbara and Maurilio ... welcome you

Location : Casolare Chignoletti Via Chignoletti Palazzago BG
Contact : 348 7365963
